– Mister Buia, it is unbelievable what kind of power the actual governors had assumed. Besides that, all the experiments they make are on us, but nobody asks for our opinion ever, even more, we are being handled unkind. I had the feeling that if we had been the direct enemy of this government, of this country, I may be wrong, but the international discourse would have protected us much better, and probably we would have had a better living. The big mystery that grew over had a strange surface, a strange interpretation. We have over eight million employees that do their job daily. Almost all the assets and commonwealth buildings had been sold, probably for money, I read that with an assessment of 78%, and they paid for it, so the money should be in there. The stupid question: “Where is it, besides the money, there are dollars that come for every month from different sources?” This should be a question for an attorney. If it’s like this, he should ask himself.
– My gentlemen, I think that, even if we know these things or if we knew them, we still won’t ease our daily living.
– Yes, it is true, but it hurts when you see that for a life time you witnessed the “Socialism Development” and they gave you a paper of a billion from which you receive 3-5 thousands/year, and some cut pieces from your work, from your body’s sweat, from your own life for the simple reason that they and their precursors kept some papers. And now you, the one that has worked for an entire life, from your accomplishments they are being allocated pieces, for those that not for few times don’t even know what work means. They didn’t have to blow their health to build fortunes for others. And you, old cheep, for whom not even the retiring pension would give in time so that they could put it aside for others. We wanted this! One of Buia’s guests ended.
– I still believe it would be better if we take care of our business, especially that nobody can be proud of having a shameless converted to some decent thoughts.
– You are right, Mister, one of the guests joined him, true born citizen. Mister Buia, I see, and I think that this is how it should be, that the accommodations, in fact the specific houses, shouldn’t have more than one architecture, in which the years they were built in reflect. It is impossible for a house that was built over fifty years ago to look as one that was recently built.
Even so, in constructions take place new discoveries, new materials and let’s not disregard the comfort that would make one house different than the other. That’s why, along the houses that I have passed nearby, until now, and the one we get close to now, the differences are huge. These type of differences are kept also among the people from the village?
– Oh, Buia says, it is absolutely normal for these differences to exist, first of all, age differences. The young people are more inventive, they accept easier the new trend and “its utilities”. And, after all, the house that you see is of a driver that is not so “aged” in our village, but he had relatives over here, so “the thin line” broth him in the village. I could describe him in a few words, but as for the time we have I would like to relate you the circumstances in which I met him, with a few years earlier before he came in our village.
– We are “eyes and ears opened”, the citizen encouraged him.
– I was with my family between two villages, started Buia Tomas the story. It was summer and it started to rain. After a burst, it stopped, and a cold enough wind started to blow. In the middle of the filed, in order for the bus stop sign to be seen, a kind of a shelter from plate was built, that the rain had hardly refreshed. The shelter would have been large enough if it wasn’t for …those passengers that used it for throwing or “depositing” all sorts of garbage of the present civilization, exhaling a miasmal smell. In those kinds of conditions we were using the shelter … on the outside as a front against the wind. As soon as the weather was getting better, each of us looked to interpose a bigger distance among us and the “exhaling” smells, impossible to redeem. And as you may know that “no adversity comes alone”, we were forced to change into airscrews, so fast we had to move our hands so that the covey of flies, which were disturbed form their “ambiance”, won’t annoy us. The movements were more from despair than for protection. Although the cold wind persisted and each of us was wet, we moved away from the “protection” that the shelter gave us choosing to get the cold blast of the wind, but that weren’t caring the smell exhaled from the “shelter”. It happened that through the ones that were waiting for the bus, most happened to know each other, and it was like if we were ashamed to wish something to someone in this kind of circumstances, when other fellows of ours, braving the common sense, changed the purpose of a shelter of a prime necessity, from a full filed, in a rest-room. In this station other hygienic objectives were required so that it won’t destroy what already existed.
After the curved the so long-expected bus appears. We were all full of joy seeing it, and especially because it was joined and there will be places for every one. At least that! People started to be agitated looking for their luggage, children, fellow travelers, disposing alongside the road. The bus decelerated and the doors opened. Astonishment; the passengers from the bus don’t even think of allowing the accession of the people from the station, the frozen and wet waited that bus as a blessing from above. The bus holders, formally, tooted along themselves, without any common effect as it was known that in this station nobody gets off. Even more unreasonable was the fact that a person around 40 years old got off looking as if he was making an evaluation of the so called situation. In the end he gives a resolution: “There is nothing we could do here, inducing at the first door”. After that he leaves for one of the doors from behind getting in front of me, when he starts to roar: “Open the door from behind!” In that moment a double trick takes place – the door opens and shuts down – little missing for the guy that I supposed to be the driver, to catch his hand in it. Looking at me he drops: “God damn you! I told you to open not to play any tricks. What on earth are you doing?!” I stare at the guy and I am ready to punch him in the face. After waiting for him for more than one hour in the rain and after that in the wind he “blasts” me? But in that moment all the bus doors open and I notice that in the driver’s “fencing” there’s a woman, his wife after the way he was talking and the way he addressed those “gentleness” thoughts. With a hand movement the guy invited us at the back door. “Hello, Hello!” he was speaking to me this time even though I still could not get in the bus.
– How many tickets?
– Three. I give him the money, he gives me the change, but with no tickets. I thought that it was him, no me, that mentioned the tickets …The guy seemed to me as drunk. Not abusively, but enough as to be aware of the fact that he shouldn’t talk to one’s face, to beware of curious noses.