August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor:

In that case the Romanian Armies have been incorporated in the second and third Ukrainian line under Russian command and wearing as a name: “The Soviet Army” in comparison to the pure Red Army that belongs to the Russian federation. Maybe that some “personalities” from nowadays fell ashamed of “the activities” from then when they subordinated the Romanian Army to the Russians, the Soviet Armies, which in that time in our country were us, Romanians. Well, this “shameful” people have demolished “the famous” monument. Even if it was dedicated to other nations, on it was written that “it is built in the memory of those that gave their lives for the country’s liberation”, so not at all for the Russians praise as someone tried to inform us, and indeed he succeeded, destroying one heroes monument, unknown too, that have left and sacrificed everything – LIFE- to free this corner of the country. If somehow you believe I “went all round the circle”, forgive me because I myself forgave those that bargain this country, no matter with whom and when it happened”.
– There are interesting things, especially for those that have never known what suffering and humiliation means, but they only beat hard their “patriotic” chest, I see, walking our way for our guest’s name day celebration, Tomas. In front of a house, our guest gives us a sign for attention.
– Gentlemen, you retraced some stories of some facts that happened before this revolution, which, we have to recognize, brought us, truly, the so longed for freedom. Here, in this house, lives a family that, from what they have understood from freedom, has destroyed its entire life and fortune. He was one of the first discharged mine diggers, then, when everybody wanted to choose wheat from weed.
– But, how come? My friend interferes.
– I don’t want to say that it was easy, but their “freedom” manifestations were incomprehensible and have a circumstance of developing more conservative in the village where all the population forms a public opinion, where all are integrated in the village community. The members of this family, young enough, hardly after the winter ended, started to attend stoically the new “bar”, consuming more and more alcohol of an uncertain quality. You could not figure out who is more avid of drinking, the husband or the wife. People motivate their drinking through: the hard life they carry, the adversities they have been through, but for sure they started drinking for pleasure, in the end getting to dehumanize themselves totally.

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August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor:

Just like this, these people started to drink, and now the drink is not for free, to obtain, having no job, they started to sell anything from the house for a glass of vodka. How much they have consumed, nobody knows, but those that have met them adjudged their state with the epithet of: “they are flagstone”, “as a gad”, “out of one’s sense” and other combinations not very complimentary at their address. But most of them expressed that: “they were drinking until losing their disgrace”. Such as, they tried and they gut at home. Getting inside, after the party, it seemed their hungers came out. For their household to be maintained they would have needed one more person. They were very devotee after drinking that they did not even take care of their intimate hygiene. At this “step” that human kind long ago left behind, you can put the smell of drinking and the dental imperfections for which they had no time and any money. The drink doesn’t grow the man’s potency and other atrocities reminded in here, made this male character, although he wanted a sexual contact with his wife, unable of virility. Not being potent. He was frightened of this situation, truly slighting for a man. It was driving him crazy. He could not accomplish what he is, what he was being through birth … a man. In this unbearable situation, a diabolic thought crossed through the alcohol’s steam: “If I’m not capable of making love it’s because of my wife!” So, he started asking his wife to “offer” any kinds of “postures” each one abnormal than the other with the purpose of stimulating him sexually. So, neither his wife nor the “postures” could get him out from this state of alcoholic impotence; a demonic anger possessed him, anger which he justifies as: “his wife generated, being unable to make her self sexy”. What really hurt him was that she, even in the state she was in could have lain down with any man but not him. With a blind madness, motivated by the fact that he was the MAN, but now he wasn’t anywhere the man that once has been, in this state of inability he found enough strength to molest his wife, once lover. In her affected state, the power of reacting was helpless and she was even more undressed then before. Her shapes, the shapes of the woman’s body he once loved, that once gave him pleasure, others then now, pleasures that he was not capable of gaining, fact that drove him crazy, changing even his last judgments in animal instincts, jumping over her and beating her unconsciously. Laying down there, was a lethargic body, crippled by an animal that could not conceive being below this point of view, that he is not capable of a natural thing, that drinking annihilates him in everything.

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August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor:

This animalism in behavior may not have been observed by their fellow countrymen if it wouldn’t have happened in the “Holy Week”. The week in which people give up some of their adversities and become more sensitive, more liable to their fellow countrymen adversities, they all come together since, in the last time to many simple mortals have any kind of joy and the animalism from each of us “gets inside out”. Manifestations like the above becoming, if someone would afford to say this, public, have increased this “normal states” also because more people lose their job and especially their HOPE in life. Who would recognize in the man that we’ve talked about the mine digger that for five years had won the Socialist Competition, being proposed for decoration with the Labor’s Order. The battles received by the mine diggers and from mining in the last years have no term of comparison in all the history of mining from this country. Certainly that of all this facts History, statistics and the future will take care. What it cannot be seen and won’t be mentioned anywhere are the lots of stupid dead, inconceivable in which slowly, like some candles, people that first time put the bases of an empirical mining, of an industry on this lands giving it and its people a base, a purpose in the country’s economy, growing in something that a civilian would have never made and obviously that they won’t make, fade away. Developing and heading the mining on technologically and scientifically bases the industry of automobiles, electricity, rubber, metallurgy and many others started to prosper. These experts of mark requested by the entire globe, people that filled in the white places from all the mining, extraction and procession fazes. People that are respected by billions of people, decorated by the presidents that now got the chance to understand that all their knowledge are useful, being disabled from the bases producers line and passed in the line of the “discharged”, of people with any work place, of unemployed, helpless, people that in this life, their life, will have no work place. I think you can all realize how a global specialist would feel when he is forced by law to such statement. The young ones could still retrain but others …

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