I was sitting aside with my back at a tilting cart looking to do the same thing, to eat, but more undercover. I was constrained to “perform myself” in front of so many people that I haven’t known yet and that I was sure that were waiting for me to fail to be the next taken against the grain. From this point of view I did not liked them. I was alone and they were a shift. I was the one that did not know anyone, they all knew each other. They pretend they cannot see me. They left me alone, but I knew it wasn’t long till “they would baptize me”. This circular meeting with the meal service before entering the shift was as a new religion, as a state of being. Although most of the talking was “in shifts” there were issued, more concise than the origin of that ancient province, all the life and work problems of that specific “round”. From the way that the problems were “charged” you could guess the place or state of each individual in that society. This moment was more than a “good evening” or “enjoy your work” often used in other working man societies. Watching them, studying their acting I was questioning myself too. Was my place among them a mistake? Did I force my destiny, I thought I would live better, with less headaches? What would I become after some years among these men, knowing that in Romania only 5% of the working men “have chosen” this “profile”? Waking up from this stack of questions I notice that “the wheel” gets ready to enter the gallery. The meal was over, the bags with food were hanged on a carver and everyone was checking his lamp. At this level electrical lamps haven’t showed up yet, not even for the bosses. I was looking with interest how everyone was checking the lamps and I could say the each one “was making” this in his own way, but “that way” had a purpose. Later I realized that “making the lamp” means the way of using those 300 gr. of carbide. Some were basing on a big flame but for a short time, these were the trimmers from the transportation. For those that were working in the line the lamp was made by placing powder over the carbide to cover it well, this powder was soaked and the lamp was having a permanent flame for four hours, after which the lamp was made again and for most of the times it was interrupting. With the same method, the same time, and the same source of light. The engineers and locksmiths were infiltrating the carbide in oil or gas and it lasted for a longer time. As for the flame they were using the same method as the trimmers, the lamp with big flame, most of all because they and the master workmen had also spotlights that were “pushing” the spot light over 15-20 meters ahead.
Monday, August 10th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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