As, for me, a wage earner of a school, I found out that our so known director, a man of an apart professional honesty, gifted with the spirit of justice, a remarkable psychologist, that advanced a lot of „future talents”, had the mischance to be operated in the celebration day of the debts settlement, that ended with an unheard manifestation. There could have been some exaggerations of those events, but over 8000 people were caught out in a meeting, only in Baia Mare, the city being actually blocked from the “Baia Sprie” street to the train station and from the Community Center till Hotel Mara-Traian, with slogans, placards, pictures and obviously, manifestations. This massive multitude of people from this „ great manifestation” was tidy. Most of them were taken from their work; the event was considered to be one of the last curiosities developed by society, meaning that there was the custom that at the big manifestations people would vaunt with „future rights or freedom” that we would be given and accepted or other „improvements” of „our standard of living” decided by … We all wanted to know, after all this disenfranchise, what kind of compensations we would receive, we , the good in faith ones, that have paid their debts, made by HE (Nicolae Ceausescu) or SHE (Elena Ceausescu), debts that we didn’t take place at. Otherwise, just as nowadays. The bad luck of our last director was in fact the day in which he was chosen to be operated when most of the people that were working in the hospital went at the … MANIFESTATION. I ask myself sometimes what would have happened those days if we had the thieves we have now, days in which we could allow to leave our town empty and leave for any kind of DEMONSTRATIONS. Can you imagine the picture of a town that had half of its inhabitants at work and the others at the … manifestation, all the flats and the houses being left empty. What a bit of luck!
After „the handing over of the propaganda’s materials”, the ones that were responsible over were the only ones that returned at the units. After this we went back home. They didn’t „spell a word of it”. With all the gentleness and curiosity, this was for us drudgery. In exchange for the HEAD ones it was a triumph. „They didn’t serve us” any kind of promise. They didn’t tell us when our son’s and daughters will be able to eat butter, they also didn’t tell us when we would be able to eat a slice of meat, we were disgusted of „gym shoes” and „flatwares”. We were also disgusted of the pigs that were dieing at “Seini”, pigs that after smoking they would sell at a prize of a „club steak”.
Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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