The assistant that “examined” us at the sports attempt confused us or maybe we got ourselves in an unknown observance, at the rugby players’ admission. In the examination room there was an assistant that was telling us jokes, sorts of happening from different games were recalled, what else, the admission exam, obviously of Mircea too, was a true show. By that time God was being denied as he wasn’t a P.C.R. member, but I realized that God gave me the chance of a lifetime.
I don’t need to tell you that in Petrosani were the hardest admissions, where the first students from our high school could not get to the Institute. Seeing that both of us were admitted we thought in not missing the chance of our life and started to learn, in such way that all our colleges that have borne our stupidity for five years in high school were amazed. Now Mircea became a director and could not come, to relate the story of his life adventure, but I can still tell you that both, he and I became more careful with the people around us, more conscientious and we became to be more faithful persons. I am sure that God gave us this unique chance and from two “lost” people, we became humans through all humans, and believe me that all I missed in my teaching at high school, I have striven to regain in the Institute, in such way I received my high school colleges consideration of a man and of group.
– As we can see there are people that still remember the good things that they received from their home education.
– Precisely. An important thing in education is honesty. Compromises only bring along other compromises and among it the attenuation of lack of discipline. Anyways, I congratulate these two boys, this man who had the power to “go back” at his mother’s voice. Mister Buia, earlier we had a “reference” over Bacovia, according what he was reciting in his writes, said the other guest, from the poetry a feeling of insularism gets over, of sadness and even agony. These depressive states of mind seem even stranger for a man that is known to be an airy character, how Minulescu was, and the man that defined his lines as: the sadness with all the useless life tortures. It’s true that we all go away and there are things that get us all sad, maybe because in this substitute of life we feel manipulated like some robots. I don’t want the dissection of sadness because right now it is huddled inside us, following us everywhere. But form what you related, happenings from this humbling village, I would say that only on one street, in fact it is the only one, the simple man appears, the autochthon of these lands that doesn’t leave him self stricken by the life’s tidiness, doesn’t fall into mesmerism, but for I would say that it is a pleasure to discover that each person is full of energy that, with the kindness of his soul, manages to go on with the adversities and happiness that life gives him, and in dignity.
Monday, August 10th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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