Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor:

Next day I went outside and set there until he got “up” with the car, so that he could tell me that what I heard was true …that I’m not good for him, after he “annoyed” me for all these years… he left me pregnant and now he marries other that he knows for a few months.
When the wedding with “Ana Cucului” took place I was in the eight month of pregnancy…
I raised my child the best way I could.
For every month on the payment day, Josef had arguments with his wife because of the child’s allowance. This is the poison of his love…
Josef has an illegitimate baby and a wife that proofed to be sterile …
“A man seeds a tree, raises a child and builds a home!” would resemble to someone.
– Very true, but I would like to go ahead to some problems of actuality or more from the society. In fact, what do I wish with all these? Now, that I am an old man, and I have heard and seen it all, I can give some terms of reference in this multitude of lies and incertitude that continuously spread and are up-to-date in here.
Earlier, a party leader was saying that the communism that in other places „harvested”, in her had any kind of base or influence. In fact it had no base because it didn’t „catch” the majority of the country’s population, the countrymen. They couldn’t be „illuminated”. The were forced, and they could not accept that and this happened because they had bases and any kind of changing at their bases it’s no good, in fact, it’s bad.
If someone gets to these people bases it’s not getting anything good from that, nothing good can get from there. This takes both for humans and for plants. Those that came to „waffled”, didn’t realize that in fact they were making a full of themselves in front of this countryman, the Romanian countryman that is aware of this simple fact, simple fact, that was certificated more than one time in ones life, for all history. Any philosophy can not change this truth, this axiom of the ancestral bases.
With the working men it was a lot easier. They haven’t had any bases, therefore they didn’t have any confidence and at least a decent life, a free life, each to be the master of his own and his own destiny.

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