What else is there to give to your children for a meal? I saw a portable radio (because the electrical shut down were more than twenty per day, people oriented on “batteries”). I took it and turned it on. It was exactly when they decree “the state of need”, people stupefied from what they were listening not knowing what was to come. I left them and went home. Those days I asked my mother in law to stay with us considering the fact there was no wood, heat or hot water and I got, from year 1987, a stove from an air shaft and when we were colder we used to make a fire in the bathroom heating the flat from the pipe’s power. They assumed that 18° C were enough to heat the flats. There were flats that haven’t been heated more then 10°C ever. Must was blooming on the ceilings and on the walls. I entered the house as a storm, as my mother in law bewared so that I won’t put her down and I was “like a shoot” at the TV. It may have passed years since any TV shows were broadcasted that hour in case there wasn’t a business call of “him”. My mother in law was staring at me as at “the one far from home” whispering something and crossing. I changed my clothes quickly and took a stand in front of “the world’s window” that wasn’t “spinning” as a cat; it was sizzling, with any show. And then suddenly the signal was on and with a hardly gasp on their breath: “Dinescu, Caramitru”and on the second plan, “Sergiu Nicolaescu”, surrounded buy a fuzzy and big group of people. “Dinescu” was the most “smothered”. “Caramitru” presented us “Dinescu”, the one that people knew only from “Free Europe” where his activity and the fact that he was a dissenter in the country were presented. This is how “Caramitru” expressed himself: “I came at the television on a tank. He is the poet you heard of and that you can also see now, “Dinescu”. He would like to inform you about a very important announcement”. Then “Dinescu”, hardly gasping his breath, expressed this words: “Ceausescu run off with a helicopter from the Central Committee at 12:55 o’clock (or it may have been 12:55 o’clock when he shard this words). We are free! The nation got the power. Dealing more with this type of extreme situation, “Sergiu Nicolaescu” came closer and made a full opening of the events in the same time asking for people’s and army support (let us not forget that the army shoot down, both in “Timisoara” and Bucharest, manifestants).
Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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