– I would become if I had a small part of “country” with which I could call myself a countryman.
– Yeah! The land is not enough for everyone, at least if it would get for the ones that love it, but the adjudication wasn’t made like this, not today and not long ago …
– Maybe it won’t be bad if we talk about other things too, as about politics, after how “THEY make” politics we are kind of a disgusted. Sometime we were 16 millions employers, now if they are left 6 millions. Two million Romanians “went into the wide world”, looking in other place what they aren’t given here. From this reason families and ancestors are being disunited, sadness is being caused as for when you loose someone close. Some were talking that the current governors want the reunification with Basarabia “so that the country would overcrowd at the level of year 1989” being that today even the “natural admixture” is negative.
– Mister Buia, the citizen teacher stops him, of these things, the way it was mentioned earlier, we are disgusted, and its better if you tell us something from this village so that we could forget the fact the some unfulfilled people lead us.
– If you want, why not? I hope I can tell you an experience that would amaze you. Us, the ones from around here, we are close enough to Baia, that’s why not few people have a job in the city. That’s how the man that lives in the house in front of which we are passing now used to be.
– Wait, wait, why do you speak with “he used to be” when I see him in his yard?
– Who you see inside the yard is not the person that built the house, whom was its owner, he died four month ago. He is someone else.
– Why did he die? … One of the listeners thinks with his voice loud.
– This I was planning to tell you, because the person that I’m talking about was with a few years younger than me and he didn’t even work at the bathes ever. The man who’s this beautiful house was, was a convinced bachelor. He was never married …
– Wait a second Sir; I can see there are some children in the yard!
– Yes, you are right, but they, the kids … you know what, I think you have to have some right otherwise you will cut my story in the same way the life of this man I’m talking about was cut, Buia tries to “set them aright’.
– Sorry …
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– So, the young enough man had a job, “long live that” … at the Municipal Council from Baia. He was the person that distributed the inhabitants in the new apartment houses. He was so nice and courted by women that we can say he could not bear with them and not few of them “slipped” in his arms. Maybe also his job could have facilitated this matter, but he was indeed a handsome man, communicative, very charming, how maybe any woman would wish her man to be and something that we cannot pass over, he had a very good financial situation. He had his own house, life, fortune, what else, he did not miss anything. He built this “little house” as a jewel “openly” how they say in here if the house is faced south, with a particular finish. I don’t have to remind you about the orchards and others.
Our Pavel, that was his name, I think he never tasted plum brandy or wine from other places than the ones that he made and he used to make it the way he liked it. There’s no use in telling more, he had everything and mostly everything a person could wish for … or a woman of those that “throws herself in his arms”. Not few were from those that may have seen Pavel’s fortune and maybe only after that they taped him, or they “got warm” after Pavel. He was close to 50 years old and Pavel lived all his life in pleasures and parties with women, each one of them different than the other. Maybe what surprised people from the village were Pavel’s “breaking up” of these women? Breakings up that were spent in silence, in such way that not even one neighbor heard any hard words, rude things or words that were calling out from Pavel’s place. With about two years earlier “he felt” for a very beautiful woman, a charming woman, that was behind any gossip that wasn’t admirable. She was about 35 years old. A pleasant woman that knew her value and importance in the society. She was the kind of woman to “be seen” anywhere. Suddenly for the first time in his life, Pavel felt in love with her. Thinking about how many women crossed his “doorstep”, have brightened his life and spent unforgettable hours together and each time he knew how to get away to come back to his bachelor’s, to don’t get married with any of them, now it seemed he became immune to these things. This late falling in love for this woman seemed absurd. Against all these Pavel was deeply in love, when he separated from her a state of mesmerizing used to get into him and a fact was sure: if she asked him to get married, Pavel wouldn’t think a minute about it.
Yes, only that she didn’t propose this and although he asked her to get married she didn’t even want to hear about it. When he used to mention this she started to laugh. Nobody knew why she was so special than “so many others”. For certainty Pavel was already addictive to her, he who used to laugh about the love of women that got into his life for more than 30 years, having a longer or shorter lay-over in his house. Could these be the “swan enchantment” of the affairs of a man of 50 years old? Nobody knows. They inhabited and lived in a happy dream for about six months. Pavel felt in love with Iulii day by day. All her wishes were as a rule for Pavel. What else, he adored her. He started to buy her countless presents, more and more expensive, more substantial, until one day, when not knowing how to act he proposed to her, to get married with him. If she makes that step everything that he has, house, fortune, will be on her name. Even so it seems he didn’t manage to impress Iuli, that lately seemed that nothing could impress her anymore, but Pavel, in his blind love, thought that Iuli believes he is not capable of this gesture, maybe that is why she was so unapproachable from this point of view. They might have lived one more month in this happiness, but this time at Iuli’s place, since Pavel “passed” all his fortuned and house on her. After committing this act, after this fateful prove of love, at a few days a guy shows up. Pavel, polite and gracious, invited him in the house, fastened him and seeing he is a stranger, proposed to stay the night over. At night Pavel went to sleep waiting for Iuli. Seeing she is late, he went after her, asking her to go to sleep. Iuli answered:
– Pavel, how do you expect me to sleep with you in front of my husband?
– Dear Iuli, what husband are you talking about?
– Emil, the man you invited inside the house is my husband.
– What are you talking about woman?!
– If you don’t believe me I can show you the wedding certificate. I’m his wife.
Pavel was as crippled. In such situation there was nothing else to say. He loved one time in his life and even then a married woman. Until now he didn’t even wish to know what this woman did in her 35 years lifetime, although all these could have straightened up if he had given a single phone call. The husband and wife, rejoining, slept, as it was normal, together. After a few hours their children and relatives showed up … The family reunited. Pavel moved back into the summer kitchen, becoming indulged by Iuli’s family that was managing and consuming his own fortune.