The first game was with the Andrei Muresanu High School from Dej, a team that was on the first place from the group and if they “get over them” they got the chance to go at the finals for the country. In this way the teacher/coach dream would become true. How could you afford not taking in your team the best player, at the hardest game you participated? Once introduced, he has done his “number” and because of him, of his boldness, he was kicked out. The game was played with five members. It was obviously a lost game and with this all teachers’ dreams faded away. From now all the actions that would be taken will be out of time. The teacher tolerated more of his actions at the team, but in the time he was playing in the batch their relationship was at the edge.
I haven’t followed up from nearby, anymore, my working mate’s work, since his incompleteness also affected me and the real fact was that I could not stand the fact that a pupil affords to “play” his teacher after his own will.
At a banquet of my old students, at the meeting of the teen years ending high school, one of my old students, a good friend of the one we are talking about, told us the following:
– Teacher, as you may know, me and Mircea were best friends and we made all kinds of stupid things together. You also may remember that with the learning thing we didn’t quite strive. After finishing high school we gained our families faith that “funded” us with good money and we left for Petrosani “to go to university”. We left two weeks earlier than the enlistment started and we spent two heavenly weeks. We managed to know all the bars and restaurants for the Valley. I think it was a day before the closing of the enlistments office when Mircea received a phone call, at the hostel, from his mother. Shortly, she was very agitated, she tried to get to him for many time, to receive news from him and she couldn’t find him at the phone not even at night. Practically, she was only asking him the usual stuff about the enlisting, at what department he enlisted, how many people applied for it, how he felt, if he passed the sports test … As hooligans as we were I never thought Mircea will be so affected from this phone call. Practically, the next day he went to enlist himself. We showed up at the sports test, an assistant gave us a ticket on which it was also indicated the room where the exam will take place.
Highly thrilled we attended the first written essay. The whole thing was incredible. We thought that even if we tell all this to someone they still won’t believe me.
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The assistant that “examined” us at the sports attempt confused us or maybe we got ourselves in an unknown observance, at the rugby players’ admission. In the examination room there was an assistant that was telling us jokes, sorts of happening from different games were recalled, what else, the admission exam, obviously of Mircea too, was a true show. By that time God was being denied as he wasn’t a P.C.R. member, but I realized that God gave me the chance of a lifetime.
I don’t need to tell you that in Petrosani were the hardest admissions, where the first students from our high school could not get to the Institute. Seeing that both of us were admitted we thought in not missing the chance of our life and started to learn, in such way that all our colleges that have borne our stupidity for five years in high school were amazed. Now Mircea became a director and could not come, to relate the story of his life adventure, but I can still tell you that both, he and I became more careful with the people around us, more conscientious and we became to be more faithful persons. I am sure that God gave us this unique chance and from two “lost” people, we became humans through all humans, and believe me that all I missed in my teaching at high school, I have striven to regain in the Institute, in such way I received my high school colleges consideration of a man and of group.
– As we can see there are people that still remember the good things that they received from their home education.
– Precisely. An important thing in education is honesty. Compromises only bring along other compromises and among it the attenuation of lack of discipline. Anyways, I congratulate these two boys, this man who had the power to “go back” at his mother’s voice. Mister Buia, earlier we had a “reference” over Bacovia, according what he was reciting in his writes, said the other guest, from the poetry a feeling of insularism gets over, of sadness and even agony. These depressive states of mind seem even stranger for a man that is known to be an airy character, how Minulescu was, and the man that defined his lines as: the sadness with all the useless life tortures. It’s true that we all go away and there are things that get us all sad, maybe because in this substitute of life we feel manipulated like some robots. I don’t want the dissection of sadness because right now it is huddled inside us, following us everywhere. But form what you related, happenings from this humbling village, I would say that only on one street, in fact it is the only one, the simple man appears, the autochthon of these lands that doesn’t leave him self stricken by the life’s tidiness, doesn’t fall into mesmerism, but for I would say that it is a pleasure to discover that each person is full of energy that, with the kindness of his soul, manages to go on with the adversities and happiness that life gives him, and in dignity.
– I am happy that you noticed so fast this fact that is particular in their life, in these simple people’s life, with a life rich in their own livings, and unfairly despised by some people. With the risk of turning away from the daylight shadows and of irritating you with my stories or maybe to pass faster over the line of daily sufferings, and this is because of the fact that one can get you at the village side very hard, when the car doesn’t “haste” you and you get back very fast at the place you planned going. I see now, that all you do is in a big hurry.
A person, when falls in love, surprisingly finds out that in fact he doesn’t really know him self enough, but he is wishfully enough from all his being to get to know another person. In this moment he realizes he is in a special state of being: euphoria, mixed up with doubt, which alters into a distinct state of sensibility. Then is seems that his high-mindedness is raked up and discovers with astonishment that he is capable of acts and behaviors that he didn’t assume before and, on top of all that, in all this happiness and contradictory feelings you feel that in your soul, a doubt eats you, a fear, for the first time you realize that true happiness does not exist.
This is the first truth that you hope to banish fast, to get rid of it, if you cannot, you neglect it.
While you were a child, a teenager, you built your self a model, you got ready a toilet, you’ve done all you thought was necessary to face the world, to be seen, to be taken heed on by this world. Now you determine that this “world” has a form. It is a HE or a SHE, the human being you felt in love with. In this moment the biggest wish is to become the best, more gorgeous, more important, more valued by the loved one. Obviously that love doesn’t come at the same age at everyone, as older we get as apparent our clumsiness will get, becoming harsh even in the context of our usually life. We could also affirm that 98% of the two genders could like each other; we could understand each other…
And then …Then the bell rings and our geologist meditation, because this story is about him, were suddenly interrupted and he left for the door.