The bus stops in the station, I get off … My soul was heavy. Then, when you want to find the truth, a small truth, the world cuts off, pulls back. But then a glass of wine, of alcohol, is enough to find out about true adventure novels, history in countless volumes, but more precisely the hour of that time you are living in, the “worm” that crunches each one of us and which they “free” when drinking.
The next day I see the “educated drunk”, the one that didn’t get to apologize to the lady from the bus, driving a car through town, a barrow with engine, what else … a traveled man …
– Yes, you can find out a lot of strange things in a trip like that, as short as it could get!
– Listen, now, that we still have some way to go –Buia Toma continued- and my feet can’t bear longer, I would tell you another story with the boy of this bus driver, who became a driver too.
– If you have the pleasure, please tell me.
– It is known that the human kind is a high-minded being and if we analyze this a little, a man, in its lifetime, related to the universal clock, is nothing, inconceivable small. We could say that at its immensity, of universe, the human kind is nothing more than a crumb. This fact cannot satisfy his EGO, the inner man, so for his huge passage through this world, in which he wants to satisfy his high-minded of superior entity, concluded that: “A man didn’t live his life for nothing if he built a house, bed a tree and raised a child”
The fair from “Rodna” is an event of mark, which repeats weekly, for every Saturday, although that in fact it’s just an ordeal for those who attend it. On the other hand, it’s a big shame not attending it, not being seen there, not being able to have something to talk about on Sunday before the movie, or the ball, about what you have seen at the fair or did at the fair, bought at the fair.
The fair takes place on a small street of few meters long and about 4 meters wide. Through this dike, tunnel or bottleneck, from 5 o’clock in the morning till 11 o’clock around 3-5 thousand people are on the rack, natives or people that come from other villages.
In this way getting to make this distance can be achieved only by stepping a meter in one minute, due to the continual face-back perturbation, at which even if you don’t want to participate, you are enforced to, being wired at this multitude of people on going.
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Depressed, with your hands full of luggage, shopping, for most of the time you ask the seller itself to take the money from your pocket, having no other option in settling your order. And eventually, on the same small street are placed the common interest institutions: PTTR, the restaurant, the old inn and others.
The particularity of this fair is that here you can buy for a term, the payment of your goods being unnecessary at the moment. You can bargain having any money. At the overdue time you show yourself with the money, with your products or if you bargained for work, to finish your duty working.
If a man sells a sheep, you can order the part of the animal that interests you for buying. You come back in half an hour and you can have it. Meanwhile the sheep was sacrificed and you can leave with the piece that belongs to you. People “attend each other”, how they use to say around here.
All these were much known for Marie. Since Josef came back from the army, with a driver’s license, she is attending all the fairs, takes the shopping that she wished for, every Saturday.
Usually the vegetables are brought from “down”, how people around here use to say about the ones that live on the flat side. With or without any concern, Marie was riding by car all day.
Josef had a car as good as new, it was a Z.I.S that they would clean together. They have known each other since Josef was a helping driver. Her house, more exactly her parents house, is placed upgrade and near it pass all the cars. The cars pass with a lot of speed and almost all the drivers look outside the cab’s window “to listen” the engine, to hear the way it’s “getting stronger” on the way up, at this speed. Marie was watching them all, just like in a magazine.
And seeing her constantly, seeing the same face, the same feature, from the same balcony, Josef started to like her.
For many times it happened for him to take her to the fair. That’s how they began to know each other. Sometimes her father, who was working in the mine, used to take him “up” and “down”. And this is how before going in the army Marie had Josef as a lady’s man, although she was just 17 years old. After he left for the army she waited for him. At his coming back from the army she was 19 years old, she became a woman, a beautiful one, agile in her work and her talking. They liked each other and if we think about it they knew each other for some years.
Lately they used to spend all day together. Despite all this he still didn’t ask her for marriage …
Every night he used to take her home. Sometimes he used to have a chat with her parents, other times he was in a hurry, on account of how tired he was or the mood he was in.
One night, Marie’s father asked him to go in “the front room”. He served him with plum brandy, they talked, and I think it was about the wedding. About this matter Josef didn’t say anything from his coming back from the army.
Before that, almost daily, they used to make plans about what they will do and how it will be after they will get married. After they would wash the car in the spring’s water, they used to hang out in the grass and make plans for the future again.
Since he got off the army he was sort of a quiet person, tougher. And this would not be a problem but for her it become harder and harder to avoid him, to dismiss his erotic aggression, on the impulse that he is becoming to aggressive. The real thing is that he also likes him a lot and she wants him too and she can’t find any other good cause to save her virginity.
Marie was telling somebody:
– Lately I am afraid to meet him. I feel I won’t be able to bare all this. When he puts his hand on me I shiver all over, a heat goes through all over my body. My mother tells me I lost weight. Who wouldn’t lose weight if she were absorbed like this daily? Who wouldn’t lose weight embracing his touching and sweet words, and all this time thinking that “it is still not allowed, it can’t happen yet”, “we are not married”? What is, in fact, marriage? And if we get married he would care more for me? He would love me more than he loves me now? God, what thoughts get me! I feel restless of all this thoughts and behaviors. Nobody tells me what I should and how I should do it! Whether I’m right or wrong? I wonder why Josef doesn’t say anything about our marriage.