Just like this, these people started to drink, and now the drink is not for free, to obtain, having no job, they started to sell anything from the house for a glass of vodka. How much they have consumed, nobody knows, but those that have met them adjudged their state with the epithet of: “they are flagstone”, “as a gad”, “out of one’s sense” and other combinations not very complimentary at their address. But most of them expressed that: “they were drinking until losing their disgrace”. Such as, they tried and they gut at home. Getting inside, after the party, it seemed their hungers came out. For their household to be maintained they would have needed one more person. They were very devotee after drinking that they did not even take care of their intimate hygiene. At this “step” that human kind long ago left behind, you can put the smell of drinking and the dental imperfections for which they had no time and any money. The drink doesn’t grow the man’s potency and other atrocities reminded in here, made this male character, although he wanted a sexual contact with his wife, unable of virility. Not being potent. He was frightened of this situation, truly slighting for a man. It was driving him crazy. He could not accomplish what he is, what he was being through birth … a man. In this unbearable situation, a diabolic thought crossed through the alcohol’s steam: “If I’m not capable of making love it’s because of my wife!” So, he started asking his wife to “offer” any kinds of “postures” each one abnormal than the other with the purpose of stimulating him sexually. So, neither his wife nor the “postures” could get him out from this state of alcoholic impotence; a demonic anger possessed him, anger which he justifies as: “his wife generated, being unable to make her self sexy”. What really hurt him was that she, even in the state she was in could have lain down with any man but not him. With a blind madness, motivated by the fact that he was the MAN, but now he wasn’t anywhere the man that once has been, in this state of inability he found enough strength to molest his wife, once lover. In her affected state, the power of reacting was helpless and she was even more undressed then before. Her shapes, the shapes of the woman’s body he once loved, that once gave him pleasure, others then now, pleasures that he was not capable of gaining, fact that drove him crazy, changing even his last judgments in animal instincts, jumping over her and beating her unconsciously. Laying down there, was a lethargic body, crippled by an animal that could not conceive being below this point of view, that he is not capable of a natural thing, that drinking annihilates him in everything.
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This animalism in behavior may not have been observed by their fellow countrymen if it wouldn’t have happened in the “Holy Week”. The week in which people give up some of their adversities and become more sensitive, more liable to their fellow countrymen adversities, they all come together since, in the last time to many simple mortals have any kind of joy and the animalism from each of us “gets inside out”. Manifestations like the above becoming, if someone would afford to say this, public, have increased this “normal states” also because more people lose their job and especially their HOPE in life. Who would recognize in the man that we’ve talked about the mine digger that for five years had won the Socialist Competition, being proposed for decoration with the Labor’s Order. The battles received by the mine diggers and from mining in the last years have no term of comparison in all the history of mining from this country. Certainly that of all this facts History, statistics and the future will take care. What it cannot be seen and won’t be mentioned anywhere are the lots of stupid dead, inconceivable in which slowly, like some candles, people that first time put the bases of an empirical mining, of an industry on this lands giving it and its people a base, a purpose in the country’s economy, growing in something that a civilian would have never made and obviously that they won’t make, fade away. Developing and heading the mining on technologically and scientifically bases the industry of automobiles, electricity, rubber, metallurgy and many others started to prosper. These experts of mark requested by the entire globe, people that filled in the white places from all the mining, extraction and procession fazes. People that are respected by billions of people, decorated by the presidents that now got the chance to understand that all their knowledge are useful, being disabled from the bases producers line and passed in the line of the “discharged”, of people with any work place, of unemployed, helpless, people that in this life, their life, will have no work place. I think you can all realize how a global specialist would feel when he is forced by law to such statement. The young ones could still retrain but others …
– Gentlemen, if you don’t mind, continued “Buia Toma”, “marching with a few houses along”, I wish to also relate the story of a young man that even so is grey. I don’t know if it is a story of warning, but the young man you see in the house yard and who has his head grey was for a long time my helpmate and I want to tell you he is a remarkable worker, but … The boy in an easier disposition, told me the following: “I never enjoyed going to sleep after ten o’clock at noon. Of course that sometimes I happened to be late also. In this case next day I would be sleepy, sour, and moody all day and with any appetite for working and about the effects there cannot be anything to say. But not everything is after our will, and if we think of a little, more of this is after others will and only sometimes after own. That’s how it happened with me, a few days earlier. It was already at night when “Marioara”, the girl I talk to, calls me at her place. It wasn’t long before I used to go to sleep. “I have something to tell you”, she stops me from folding my tooling. I hesitate: “Dear, we meet tomorrow and we talk at leisure”. No one to talk to: “What I have to tell you, I want to tell you now”. I am looking to turn aside: “Marioara”, if we start a fight now we won’t finish it until the shift. Please, leave it for tomorrow”. “You always tell me this. Don’t hide after words. I want to tell you now!” What was I to do? I listened to some of her doubts, normal things of a pair of lovers, reproduced, not exactly indifferent after how much passion she put in her words, usual stuff and also maybe Maria was right in her posted jealousy, based on my lack of affection exclusively caused by my physical over- call at the mining work. In short words, the phantasm of “betrayal” occurred from Maria’s point of view over our love, love in which my fiancé was somehow possessive, a normal thing in the rural places. All her “argument” was an interpretation of a monolog. I wasn’t saying anything because there was nothing to say, but I did not want to exasperate her over the night, he telling needed no answer and I did not wanted to sit all night at a discussion that tomorrow will have no importance. Even more, in what Maria was saying, not for few times I agreed, because it was true I had few time to spend together, both because of my work at the mine and the works from the household that never have a schedule of dispose. From here and from all these she thought she was being “sacrificed”, “I don’t even care”, and other like this. The situation as it was presented will hardly find a solution because my waking up at four o’clock and coming back after three and a half in the afternoon didn’t mean a lot of time for “arguments”. What time was thereto be called your own time, or Maria’s? Few time, a lot then few … I was aware of that, but I had no other choice. If by any chance I managed to finish my work earlier, or there were such kind of works to be finished, I run for an hour or two to stay with Maria.