Time has passed after this conversation but in short time my child gets back from school (only God knows what school has become nowadays, a blackmailing tool for the parents) with a small paper “given by his teacher” on which was printed, that: “in case of a traffic accident of my son, I am responsible of that accident”. I ask you to believe me that from that moment the world became for me … grey. In such way I have chosen the schools were my children will learn that they wouldn’t have to cross any streets with heavy traffic. In stead of other parents that choose: their favorite teacher, the foreign language that is allowed in, the number of computers that the school has, its performance in time and who knows what other claims they would put forward according to what they missed from their own school. As I was telling you, that was my only criterion: my child to be safe in his way to school and home, and now I receive this sheet of paper with this printed on. I was speechless in front of my child. I retired breaking the psychic blackmail object. These thoughts flashed my brain when that pupil asked me that question at which any flinch weren’t allowed and the answer had to be of any ambiguousness:
-Guys, did you watch TV last night?
-Yes, we did.
-Do you remember, was the story for children broadcasted?
-The story wasn’t broadcasted? So, nothing happened.
-No. In this case, no.
-Then is it clear that nothing happened?
The day of 17 December from year 1989, happened to take place on a Sunday. As the school was ending on the day of 22, in order to avoid the heavy traffic, the pupils from the near counties were already leaving the boarding school, fact that left the school from the usual noise place in a true oasis, days that came out like a balsam for the teachers, strained in all this 14 weeks, now having the chance to take a break, that was even more efficient than the holiday itself because of the satisfaction from the well done work, finished in good terms and giving them the chance to remember the childhood eventfulness, spent in this time of the big fests and in special occasions.
Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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