With so many requirements and restrictions, only on Sunday you could allow to “take a hold of” the “magazine” program, meanwhile…The New Years Eve program.
At the end of our visit they decided to come to our place for the TV. On our way, while we were having the usual conversations I noticed a sort of movement, actually some soldiers running in different directions. I assumed they have an “emergency” and the agents called their superiors, a usual thing for those in the army. The fact that most of them were not wearing their uniform properly was the reason I adjudge, gossiped and blasted them. It was as if “somebody thrown the clothes on them” and for an old soldier these soldiers with the belts on their hands, with the hook unbuttoned, order less … were distasteful.
One day while I was in Bucharest an old man was arguing: “ Not even the newspapers get in time, when Ceausescu is missing.” They remind us he was paying a visit in Iran. Regardless the situation the army’s wearing was an example for all times. As it was a Sunday and the soldiers were having a day off, they were wearing dirty uniforms, some of them wearing a part of the monition, some not. All this disarray was inexcusable for an institution that believes in “cleanliness and discipline”.
After we gave them the TV, they hurried up … to watch TV.
After “Pacepa’s” run away, while his book: “Red Eye sights” was being read at the “Free Europe” radio, I saved money and bought a tuner that would give me the satisfaction needed while listening the radio’s news. What came to me after the guest left with the TV was to listen the “Europe’s” news that broadcasted all day long, continuously. With this occasion I found out that: “something happens in Timisoara” and that in there were around 4000 dead people. That …
Then I was sure that their news was broadcasted from inside the country and that they don’t know as many things as they should know, since the departure of the ones that gather up the information and go on the field for broadcasting is dangerous considering what was going on. In fact we didn’t wish the country’s denigration, one of the favorite subjects from the chronicles of “Free Europe”, was telling that inside the country were blacked out. This was their “job” in our service. Still we were thankful for this knowing that for the bread they have to eat they had to say what the “masters” wanted them to say.
Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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