– As far from what you related until now, it comes out you are a “travelled” man in this world, a polite one, so please prove that what I earlier affirmed is true! The dressed up guy chewed up.
– Who’s proving! Each one says whatever he likes – goes ahead the drunk guy.
– Each one says whatever he understands from this manifestation – I fill in.
– Sir, now you can really say whatever you please, but with a few months earlier? The dressed up guy asks.
– He…he… than this bus was taking me straight to he…he…laughs the drunk guy.
– Well, you see! You can say anything now, but a normal man, a polite man doesn’t offend anyone! This is something that cannot be done. It has never been done. Not even in the time of Napoleon, who was buried in seven coffins and taken at the “disabled grave”, something like this was never done, and in that time the ethics were ethics, the dressed man says.
– Dome …I say.
– What? The dressed man asks.
– The DOME… The Disabled Dome – I come again with the assignation.
– Yes… yes… the Dome, admits the dressed up.
– Listen, I am a travelled man too and I know why Zoe wanted to come to Maramures. He found one with …and he makes the specific sign … and she was saying about the golden casket of …five, five caskets had the defunct – the drunk guy continued.
– No, it wasn’t from gold, it was from ebony. The ebony is the heaviest and strongest wood from the world – the dressed guy corrects him.
– When they took out Napoleon from the coffin, he looked just like me, and he puts his both hands on the lapels of his coat, giving us the chance to admire in him the great Napoleon.
– Yes… yes…ebony – resumed the drunken guy.
– Yes. But now you should say sorry to the lady! A polite man, well mannered, travelled, with your background, it would be impossible to be uneducated – the dressed up teases him.
Thursday, August 13th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Category: Foreign in my life
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