Monday, August 10th, 2009 | Scriitor:

One day, none of the employers could join Simon at the fair. Alone and somehow angry, he left to sell a cart full of apples. He sold the apples, the cart with the oxen for good, all at a good prize and maybe the employer is still waiting, even until today, for Simon to come back with the oxen cart and the money for the apples …
– Nowadays, a friend interrupted Buia, at what we are living, at this “wonderful” economics transformation, of laws and why not of mining too, there are some occurrences that fit perfectly with the words: “shoot at a pigeon and kill a crow”. Many have looked forward in “catching the clue” of the transformation but they realized that the plan of the reform is the type of: “dropping a brick”.
The mining fellowship was indebted. The mine diggers, indifferent to “where they will end” were the ones that had to “bear the troubles” as the old “mining combatants”. Their lay down started. Who would have thought then that in a horizontal economics development, if a single link breaks, if the circle cracks, nothing else turns round, continuously. The mining fall down meant the break down of the national vehicles industry of construction, at the low consumption of electricity, even in agriculture, with no other untouched place left. We may feel like smiling. Maybe we would even smile with pleasure if we weren’t sure that it would be a fake one. Through the break down of the economics infrastructure of Romania by those 15.000 specialists in only 200 days almost 23 millions of people (minus their parties’ members) became almsmen. It seems a lot and mistreated but after the mining energy power “felt down”, UMT, UNIO, “Roman”, “Tractorul” and many other industries that the country was proud with.
Our old leader understood in ’68 that is necessary to cover yourself against “friends”. He left to build strategically communications that would allow a fast disruption of the tropes in the centre of the country. Such road, from concrete was servicing some mining villages that today have through the flagging green crosses of grass grown between and the mountain streams sectioned it on the broadways making it impracticable. By closing the mines, population from the small mining villages and not to say about the mining cities population, left with any kind of occupation. Thousands of people were left with any kind of possibility of living, with any hope of realizing something and that something to be at least for the daily bread of their children. It is absolutely right that this tragedy doesn’t get at the so blasphemed palace (“Casa Poporului” , The Nation’s House) or at the office holders that were “algorithmic punished” after two years, while the country …The news that people get after ’89 are called: the coldness from inside the houses, assessments, salary (that became almost welfare), that aren’t necessary to come in time, efflorescence, TBC, suicides …

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