One year when he gain some experience on those lands, Lent was on May. The grass was good for cutting. From here his idea was born … He bargained for money or for drinking some “young guys” whom will cut the grass on Easter day.
He was sure that in the country nobody has cut the grass yet … With eleven boys he cut 1, 5 hectares and all this on a holy day of Easter. Then, when there’s no reason “wandering about”, when all the decisions “come from above”, people outgrow the habit of thinking …He made a report of his activity from that Easter day for the Comity’s District. His headmen thought it’s not bad to enlarge the area of cut. And, form a report to another by the time it got to the superior authorities in Neamt, his exploit got so huge that the reported surface that was cut by him was a lot bigger than the countries surface and all these in just one day, on Easter day …
For sure that through the men employed to serve the parties ideology, real people exist. But as you may know, at all level of activities those “cheaters” that reported all “above” existed. In this way they haven’t enjoyed and will never enjoy the simple’s man credibility. In fact this is the only reproach brought by the “country’s back”, by the honest simple man.
– Then, Mister Buia, as we grow old we find out more although, if we knew some things, we might have been happier!
– Good evening – greets us a passing by.
– Good to see you! Buia answers.
I keep watching that person and I feel like I know him.
– Sir Buia, is this man from here? The citizen started questioning him.
– Yes, sure, why do you ask?
– I had the feeling I know him.
– You might know him. He’s a Village Advisor.
– Now I think I know him!
– Who?
– A long time ago, when he was young he used to sport?
– Yes. But how do you know that?
– Let me tell you.
Arhiva pentru August 10th, 2009
At the school where I was going there was also a Sport’s school, with different departments.
How Maramures Explorer got in league A with the volleyball section the team wished a valuable farm of players from whom they can regenerate their batch. In this way a department for volleyball, at that school, with huge perspective, was built taking in account the fact that by that time the high school was five years old.
A teacher with a volleyball teaching line was allocated there, a very capable artisan. His only annoyance was that the height he had was not quite …height…He was a short man, whom him self considered as a handicap for a volleyball man, with a permanent feeling of inferiority. From this reason he wished to show that for once in his life he could be the best, the biggest, if by his stature he couldn’t make this step, at least through the results of his work to grow up.
I have to admit that the guy knew his job well. His pupils were in the third year of high school and they were already professional’s volleyball players. At the recruitment selection when they built the team, the shortest volleyball player was 1, 95 meters height and the matter was growing to better things.
This man we are talking about now it seemed to have a mustache and his name was the same as of a Parisian tap house. Not Moulin Rouge, but as famous as it. I miss it right now, I might remember meanwhile.
The guy was the best from the team. The fact that he could take his coach at his “armhole” allowed him to be rude with him and his arbiters. Exceptions that have taken him at collecting a few red cards while on the field.
That particular teacher, the coach, as my mate, he confess to me. He might not do this with the thought of receiving any suggestions from me, but only for the fact of telling his own sorrow to someone. Obviously I listened to what he had to say, but his sorrow was continuously. I suggested a solution. He could get him out from the batch for one or two games.
The first game was with the Andrei Muresanu High School from Dej, a team that was on the first place from the group and if they “get over them” they got the chance to go at the finals for the country. In this way the teacher/coach dream would become true. How could you afford not taking in your team the best player, at the hardest game you participated? Once introduced, he has done his “number” and because of him, of his boldness, he was kicked out. The game was played with five members. It was obviously a lost game and with this all teachers’ dreams faded away. From now all the actions that would be taken will be out of time. The teacher tolerated more of his actions at the team, but in the time he was playing in the batch their relationship was at the edge.
I haven’t followed up from nearby, anymore, my working mate’s work, since his incompleteness also affected me and the real fact was that I could not stand the fact that a pupil affords to “play” his teacher after his own will.
At a banquet of my old students, at the meeting of the teen years ending high school, one of my old students, a good friend of the one we are talking about, told us the following:
– Teacher, as you may know, me and Mircea were best friends and we made all kinds of stupid things together. You also may remember that with the learning thing we didn’t quite strive. After finishing high school we gained our families faith that “funded” us with good money and we left for Petrosani “to go to university”. We left two weeks earlier than the enlistment started and we spent two heavenly weeks. We managed to know all the bars and restaurants for the Valley. I think it was a day before the closing of the enlistments office when Mircea received a phone call, at the hostel, from his mother. Shortly, she was very agitated, she tried to get to him for many time, to receive news from him and she couldn’t find him at the phone not even at night. Practically, she was only asking him the usual stuff about the enlisting, at what department he enlisted, how many people applied for it, how he felt, if he passed the sports test … As hooligans as we were I never thought Mircea will be so affected from this phone call. Practically, the next day he went to enlist himself. We showed up at the sports test, an assistant gave us a ticket on which it was also indicated the room where the exam will take place.
Highly thrilled we attended the first written essay. The whole thing was incredible. We thought that even if we tell all this to someone they still won’t believe me.