A man has died. Many other will too after how the Almighty has disposed. Now there are also others that decide, that think of themselves as gods and that wish to never hear again about these people, the mine diggers, people that, working alongside death, besides life they have nothing else to loose. Their courage is the threat to those who think they are gods and that will soon realize they are also just some mortals and after they will loose their power they wouldn’t even be mentioned. But the harm was already done; they got mining and the mine digger into collapse, into tearing pieces.
Meanwhile in the town, of which seal was the symbol of a mine entrance and the signs of mining, were “raised” three gratitude of mining that started to anguish too. These attributes once treasured by the city inhabitants, now “The mine digger resting”, a statue from the Scholar Mining Team’s yard hasn’t got its nose anymore and it is “flourished” in graphitic. The mine digger statue from the front of the Theater has letter “N” fallen down from the votive welcome, and the first stone ruptured with a “Flottman” in 1912, with the first hammer drill of this kind used in the “baimarean” mining, settled in the town park, after how it is being taken care of dogs are the only ones to leave signs on it, then the townsmen respect. All these visible signs of degradation are because the town was born and kept going under the same branch. The rout from the mining spreads with its state and lack of interest the other people too, that were living among mining. After the revolution the church from the park, built with the massive contribution of the mine diggers from 1942 to 1943 began to loose its parishioners. It is unknown yet if the mining decay is responsible too for these state of the population, but for us is the first time when we see that a town that grew up and existed through years of mining, has perplexed. Nobody knows what we’ll become, or what is next …
Arhiva pentru August 6th, 2009
August 06th, 2009 | Scriitor: carti online
Categori - citeste on line: Foreign in my life
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